

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have just returned from the state of Guerrero where we dedicated The Rose of Sharon church, built in honor of Mary Lou. But I’m saving that report until next month. Right now I want to pass on to you some new opportunities to help the saints in Mexico.

The first comes from Pastor Guillermo from Santa Cruz Acatepec. Santa Cruz is a village of about 1500 people in the mountains of Oaxaca. They have a church building but it needs completion, and they are requesting help with finishing the roof, and plastering and painting the walls.

Another request comes from Pastor Alberto in Tepetitlán, another village in those same mountains. This precious congregation has a tiny building that is barely adequate — no, it is inadequate — for their needs. Pastor Alberto is requesting assistance to build a new, larger house of worship.

Finally, Pastor Miguel, from the large city of Tehuacán in the state of Puebla, has also requested help with constructing a new church.

On the back of this letter I’m including pictures from all three pastors. I encourage you to put it on your refrigerator or somewhere you’ll see it often, and pray for God’s favor every time you notice.

So many of you dear friends have stood with us over the decades helping provide church buildings all over the country of Mexico. I literally could not even count how many churches we have built over the years, but it is in the hundreds and hundreds. Every building we help construct becomes a place for God’s people to gather to pray, worship, and learn. Each year we have a chance to do it again! And I am trusting God that in the coming months and into the new year we will be able to continue doing what we do, and helping our fellow believers achieve their dreams.

God bless you,





[About the pictures: Construction is underway for the Rose of Sharon Church near Atoyac, Guerrero.]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You’re reading this letter around the first part of September, but I’m writing it a few weeks before that. By the time you get this letter I will be in Louisiana where I will spend time with Family Life Church in Lafayette, visit with my brother, and then travel on to Patterson where I will be with Word of Life Family Church. By a wonderful coincidence, Pastor Brandon from Family Life will be accompanying me on my flight down there.

A week after returning from Louisiana, I will be traveling to the Atoyac area near Acapulco where we will help finish a new mission church which is being dedicated to the memory of my precious Mary Lou. On the flight down I will be joined by a longtime friend from west Texas, Victor Leal. So on both trips I am blessed to have good friends traveling with me and assisting me. On September 26 friends will gather to dedicate the building, and it will be named Rose of Sharon. Mary Lou loved roses, and you may remember a few months ago when I shared in our newsletter the poem Rose Beyond The Wall which meant so much to me. 

It has been five months since Mary Lou passed away, and not an hour goes by that I don’t think of her and miss her. Those of you who knew her know what a vital piece of the ministry she was. In the early days she traveled to Mexico with me frequently and so loved our people there. When it became too difficult for her to travel she was still so very active in the ministry, staying in communication with supporters and overseeing the office back home. For 45 years she stood alongside me in this ministry, so I am pleased and grateful that she will be memorialized with a church, and I look forward to sharing photos with you next month.

Of  course, Mary Lou is not the only person that stood alongside me and helped make Mexico Ministries to be so effective — every one of you has been part of that team too, dear friends and supporters on both sides of the border. I never cease to give thanks to God for all of you, and I constantly pray for His favor and blessings in your life.

Pray for me in the coming weeks, that the Lord will go with me and strengthen me in his service.

 God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I just returned from Mexico, and although it was a very successful trip, it also may have been the toughest one I have made. I was able to meet with pastors and leaders on both sides of Mexico (with a 12 hour drive each way), and make plans for new mission churches to be built. BUT, GETTING HOME - well, THAT’S a story!

From Tuxtepec we drove to Veracruz where I flew to Houston. When I arrived in Houston they kept delaying the Dallas leg an hour at a time. I was supposed to arrive around 7 P.M. It kept getting pushed back - 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - then it was completely canceled. I was informed that I couldn’t get a flight out the next evening at 6, that an earlier option was “impossible,” and that I would have to sit in the airport all that time. They wheeled my wheelchair down a long corridor into a room where there was no food, no water, and no restrooms. I was supposed to stay there from midnight, until 6 the next day - EIGHTEEN HOURS!

About 7 A.M. a woman stopped and asked if she could assist me. She rolled my wheelchair down the corridor to a restroom, then said she wanted to take me to get something to eat: “They gave you two food vouchers - you use one and I’ll use one!” We had a small breakfast and then she said, “I am going to take care of you.” With that, she rolled me to the ticket counter and asked when the next flight to Dallas left. The man behind the counter said, “There is one being boarded now.” That’s when I realized she was somebody! She went behind the counter, did something on the computer, got a boarding pass and took me to a gate. She said, “I’m not only going to take you to the plane, I’m going to escort you onto the plane.” When we got to the gate the boarding door was already closed. She told the guard to open it, rolled me down the ramp, and boarded me on the plane. My phone had died so she lent me her’s and I called my son Ken to let him know about the new flight. Later he texted her and thanked her for her care and she texted back, “I heard your mom passed away, maybe she sent me to him!”

The Bible tells us that we should be kind to strangers for in so doing sometimes we entertain “angels unaware.” This woman was indeed an angel to me, and I am fully aware of it!

God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I am sure you have heard by now that on March 24 Mary Lou stepped from this life into the age to come. We were just two months shy of celebrating our 67th anniversary, and losing her is the hardest thing I have ever experienced. I have said repeatedly that without Mary Lou there would have been no Mexico Ministries. She was the behind the scenes champion that kept things organized, maintained the office and bookkeeping, and communicated with so many friends and supporters while I was away.  In the early years I would leave home to drive to Mexico and she would stand on the porch waving goodbye. When I returned I could rest assured that she would welcome me with open arms and have my favorite meals waiting for me. Mary Lou helped me bear the load of ministry in a way no other could. 

Throughout the Bible we read stories of people helping to bear the load of others: Aaron and Hur lifting Moses’ arms in prayer while Joshua fought in the valley below; the Good Samaritan carrying the injured man to safety and help; the four friends carrying the lame man’s cot to Jesus so he could heal the man; Simon of Niger carrying Jesus’ cross for him. I am so very thankful that for over 4 decades you friends have helped me carry the load of ministry in Mexico. You have supported the work financially, you have prayed, you have traveled with me to Mexico and helped minister to the people and build houses and churches. You cannot know how important and meaningful that has been for me.

With this fresh loss, you have responded with such love and concern, and that brings me comfort. But I also recognize that sometimes, such as this, there is a load we carry that no one can carry for us. Thank God that in times like this He himself is there for us. I am reminded of the song we used to sing in church years ago,

I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!

I cannot bear my burdens alone;

I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!

Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.

I am returning to Mexico in mid May and I will visit with pastors and congregations and plan several new projects. I know that Mary Lou will be praying for me in the presence of God, and I know that you too will continue to stand with me and together bear the load of ministry. For that I am eternally grateful.

God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In March, I was supposed to go with a group of friends from Hammond and Tickfaw, Louisiana, to build a new church building in Oaxaca. Unfortunately, Mary Lou had to be hospitalized and I had to cancel my part of the trip. But, thanks be to God and the good folk from Louisiana, the project went forward and went well. They finished the church building and sent a good report of their trip.

A few months ago I visited a Hispanic congregation here in Denison, and the pastor invited me to greet the people. That night I went to sleep and slept a sound and full eight hours. During that deep sleep I had a dream that I was back at that local church walking through the congregation and greeting friends. In the dream I then returned to Mexico and continued my work without using a walking cane or getting help from anyone. It was such a wonderful and peaceful dream and I still can’t figure out what it meant. Was it a premonition of something to come? I know the Bible speaks of us receiving a new body in the life to come - perhaps this is what I was dreaming. Whatever it was about, it was one of the greatest moments of peace I could imagine. How wonderful heaven will be, when we rest from our labors, are fully restored physically and spiritually, and are reunited with the Lord and those we love.

But until that day, I continue to press on in God’s calling. I plan to return to Mexico in a few weeks to oversee the building of another church. This time we will use local workers instead of a U.S. team. Then I will drive from Oaxaca to the western state of Guerrero where I will visit the church in Atoyac and make plans for new mission churches in that area. Mexico Ministries started out in this area, and we built many mission churches there. Church leaders there are asking for a new visit from me, and this will be like a homecoming, coming full circle. I will have the opportunity to speak with leaders and see their needs firsthand. Please continue to pray for me, for the work in Mexico, and for Mary Lou.

God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I am in Mexico I am often met with so many positive remarks about my life and ministry that I am humbled. One of my favorite was when someone said, “Thank you for bringing God to us.” I understand I didn’t really bring God to anyone, he was already there, but I have had the privilege of helping open people’s eyes to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Others have said, “Blessed is the day we met, because of you we are saved.” Of course, I can’t claim to save anyone, any more than Paul did when he wrote, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9.22)  It is God and God alone who saves, but he does use us as his servants to accomplish that salvation in the lives of others. Which brings me to my point: enough about me. This is all about our Lord! So, this newsletter is for him.

Dear Jesus:

Lord, when the magi came and worshiped you they gave you the treasures of frankincense, gold, and myrrh. I do not have those riches, but I give you what I have. I give you my years, my energy, my abilities, and I give you the praise that others give me. I am only a conduit through which you bless your people, and I also want to be a conduit returning their praise to you.

You taught your disciples that, when they had done all you commanded them to do, not to seek praise, but to say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.” Lord, I am your unworthy servant and I pass on to you every bit of praise and honor I have received. I join with the choir of heaven singing, ““Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” With deep gratitude I remain,

Your servant,





[About the photos: Pastor Eliseo with his wife, his mother, and his new congregation and building]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I have a wonderful and joyous story to share with you. 37 years ago a pastor from Tuxtepec, Oaxaca showed up at our Bible school in Atoyac, Guerrero. He had driven for over 12 hours across the mountains of southern Mexico (easier done now than back then, and still a tough trip) to bring a group of young people to enroll in our school, among whom was a 14 year old girl named Maria.

Last month I was in Tuxtepec, where we have built a major ministry center and several churches, working with a team to build a brand new mission church. Now, it’s important to understand that I knew nothing at all about this congregation (although our leaders in Mexico did), and I didn’t even know who was going to be the pastor. I was simply told by Pastor Cesar, one of our key leaders, that a church was needed.

I had the blessing of meeting young Pastor Eliseo and his mid-twenties pregnant wife, and was encouraged to see God raising up a future generation for ministry.  We got the church built, and I was told the young pastor planned to build a small room off the church for he and his family to live in. I felt directed by God to instead commit to buying a lot near the church for them to build a proper house. But here is the amazing thing: when I was introduced to Pastor Eliseo, I also met his 51 year old mother, Maria. Yes — that Maria! 

And here, 37 years later, God caused our paths to come together once again. The Bible is full of stories of God guiding and directing people on their journeys: Abraham leaving the land of his ancestors and going to the Promised Land; Jesus walking through Samaria to minister to the woman at the well; Philip ministering to the Ethiopian eunuch, “Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (Acts 8.26) God has his own Global Positioning System, and it works better than my phone’s! “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3.5f)

Thank you friends and supporters for walking this journey with me for all these decades. God’s Providential Strategy - his GPS - has never failed and never will.





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”  Those are the words Winston Churchill famously spoke early into World War II, a devastating time for England and the rest of the world as it was overwhelmed with shock and grief.

Job comes to mind as perhaps the prime example of a biblical character who faced devastation but never gave up. He lost everything - his possessions, his family, his health, the respect of his wife and friends, but, he never gave up. You know how Job’s story ends: he endured, and had his life restored and made even stronger.

I also think of the story of Ruth. A Moabite (not the most respected people in the Old Testament!), she lost everything including her husband, but determined to return with her mother-in-law Naomi to Judah. “Where you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” Ruth never gave up. Never, never, never. And she became the great grandmother of King David and the ancestor of Jesus Christ.

Add to these the story of my friend Jose Zavala Santos. Jose was a young man in our church in Atoyac when he was driving into the mountains with his family. He ran off the road and rolled his vehicle several times. Five of his family members died in that accident and only he survived. Devastating. Life changing. But he never gave up. Never, never, never. A few years ago I laid hands on him and set him in as pastor for the church in Atoyac, and on the back of this letter you can see a photo of him and his family in front of the church.

Never give up! In times of difficulty remember these stories of endurance in the face of hardship and devastation. God has promised to be with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. Never, never, never. 

God bless you,





{About the pictures: “I get by with a little help from my friends.”]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

By the time you receive this newsletter, Mary Lou and I will have celebrated our 84th and 86th late July birthdays, and we are at the age now where from time to time we both need a little help. There should never be embarrassment in asking for help. In fact, Saint Paul tells us that “helps” is one of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12.28). 

When Joshua went out to fight the Amalekites, Moses stationed himself on top of a hill and interceded, extending his staff out toward the battle. When he grew weary and lowered his staff, the tide of the battle turned against the Israelites, so Aaron and Hur sat Moses on a boulder and lifted his arms, “thus his hands were steady until the sun set and Joshua overwhelmed Amalek.” (Exodus 17.12-13)

I am still committed to being in Mexico, but now more than ever I need help to do that. I need someone with a wheelchair to maneuver me through the crowded airports, I need someone to pick me up and drive me and get me to my room. I need help making it up steep slopes or rough trails. In April we built a beautiful church on a mountaintop which the locals had leveled for the building. When we arrived the foundation and block walls were completed. From where we parked we had to follow a steep and narrow path wide enough for one person. One man went ahead of me holding my arm, another was behind, holding onto my belt. But we made it to the site and finished the work! My role was to accept help from others in my time of need.

My entire ministry in Mexico has been one of helps. Helping congregations, families, pastors, orphans, widows, the infirm, and those in need. In a few weeks I will be back in Mexico, hitching a ride in a wheelchair, being a passenger while a friend is at the wheel, off to build yet another church. I thank God for all the good help I have when I go to Mexico, and I thank Him and all our friends and supporters for helping me help others.

God bless you,





{About the photos: “WE STILL NEED YOU!”  We ALL still need each other as we work together to expand the Kingdom of God. (Pastor Carlos, Pastor Brandon, Pastor Alex, Pastor Jose, Dr. Lulu)]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

July is one of the most important months in our lives. On the 25th Mary Lou will celebrate her 84th birthday, and on the 30th I will turn 86. When I turned 80, six years ago, I asked the Lord for ten more years of serving him in Mexico. He has graciously given me the past six, and I am counting on the next four too!

People frequently ask me, “How long will you continue with the missions work?” Friends question if I’m not getting tired of the flying back and forth to Mexico, of making those bumpy trips up into the mountains, of sleeping in the back of a truck, and of the general work required. So while in Mexico this past week I decided to ask my friends and co-laborers there the same question - should I hang it up, or should I keep going?

It just so happened that Pastor Brandon Miller from Lafayette, Louisiana was visiting so I asked him, and Alexandro (Chenahlo), and Cesar (Tuxtepec), and Dr. Lulu (Chiapas), and Jose (Atoyac), and Carlos (all over, and several others as well. “I’m an old man; what do you say; should I stop now, or keep going?” The same answer came from them all: “We still need you!” I am so thankful to still be needed, and I am very happy to spend the rest of my days serving the Lord and the people of Mexico. I pray he gives me four more years, but I will keep serving him until my very last day.

Whenever that day comes, the work in Mexico will continue. We have a great team of leaders throughout Mexico, and our office in Texas is in good hands. When I am out of the picture I thank God that churches will still be built, pastors will still be trained, the sick will still be ministered to.

My friends, thank you so much for supporting this ministry for all these decades. Let me echo to you what the people in Mexico said to me. “We still need you!”

God bless you,





[About the photos: Pastor Brandon and his family will travel to Chiapas in June to visit Pastor Carlos and Barbara and the people of God in that area.]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

The Epistle to the Romans is Paul’s most famous letter (and biggest). Everyone also loves Ephesians. Colossians, on the other hand, is often overlooked. But I was reading in Colossians recently and was struck by this passage: “…put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so must you do also. In addition to all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” (Col. 3.12-14)

As I meditated on this text I was reminded of the various teams in the Bible that portrayed “the perfect bond of unity.” I thought of David and Jonathan, of Elijah and Elisha, of Ruth and Naomi, and of Paul and Silas. I also think of the many teams that work with Mexico Ministries. We have teams of pastors in Mexico; we have teams of builders there too. We have teams in U.S. churches who faithfully support the work, and we have teams that go to Mexico regularly to help build new churches. 

As you read this newsletter I will be in Mexico with Pastor Brandon Miller and his family from Lafayette, Louisiana. Years ago they were with me in Chenalho and a “bond of unity” was made with the people there. What a joy it will be to join them for a sweet reunion with people they met long ago. Now they will have their children with them, and their Mexican friends will also have children to meet. The bond of unity will extend to another generation!

Proverbs tells us that there is “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (18.24), and I am blessed to say that I have many such friends in life and ministry. Jesus said, “Love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15.12-13)  I am certainly not asking anyone to go that far, to lay down their life for me, but I am so very thankful to the Lord and his people that I have an abundance of friends in my life who are always there to love, care, and support me as I continue to help expand God’s Kingdom in Mexico.

God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

The Apostle Paul warned that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” and he was simply echoing what Jesus said: “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed.” (1 Timothy 6.10, Luke 12.15) Anytime we take medicine we learn not only about its benefits, but are also warned about possible negative side effects, and that’s the way with most things in life. We are constantly weighing the pros and cons in all sorts of decisions we make.  But the spiritual disease of greed is all negative with no positive outcome whatsoever. It begins with an insatiable desire for more and leads to lying, stealing, cheating, robbing, and sometimes even death. It can destroy friendships, marriages, and families. 

Jesus continued his words with a parable about a rich man greedy for more. He decided to tear down his barns and build larger ones to store his harvest, and said to himself, “My soul, you have many goods laid up for many ears to come. Take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” But, Jesus said, God said to him, “You fool. This very night your soul is required of you and now who will own what you prepared?” Greed, Jesus shows, is a dead end street.

God’s way, in contrast, is a path that grows brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4.18). Jesus taught us to, “lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroys and where thieves break in and steal.” (Matthew 6.19). 

The success of missionary endeavors is directly tied to the hearts of people who choose generosity over greed, and God promises great reward for such an attitude and actions, both in this life and the life to come. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine and guard against the disease of greed. My whole ministry has been one of being a conduit through which God’s people bless those in need, and I am so grateful that for nearly half a century the Lord has connected me with people of generosity and compassion who seek first the Kingdom of God. My prayer is that the Lord himself protect us all from selfishness and greed, and equip us all to continue being a blessing to his people in Mexico. Thank you for your decades of friendship and support.

God bless you,





Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I keep a card in my wallet that says, “Anticipate But Be Flexible.” That’s a lesson I occasionally need to remind myself of. 

On January 9 I was anticipating a group of ten men meeting me in Veracruz to help us build a couple of churches in the mountains near Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. The foundations and walls were finished, and we were going to be pouring concrete floors, setting in windows, painting, and roofing the buildings. Unfortunately, all the plans fell apart; the group never showed up and didn’t call to let me know! So, I had to embrace the second part of that card’s message: “Be Flexible.” We had to find enough Mexican workers to get the jobs finished on the two churches.

It also proved to be the most difficult trip I’ve experienced in my nearly 50 years of ministry in Mexico. I fell into my bathtub and didn’t have the strength to pull myself out, so I laid there, cold, and waited for eight hours before help arrived. When I finally got to the airport in Veracruz, anticipating flying home after such an ordeal, I was five minutes too late - the plane had just departed. “Be Flexible.” I rented a hotel room near the airport and fell twice in the hotel. I had to buy a completely new ticket to fly home and there was only one seat open - first class - so I had to pony up the extra money in order to get home and begin recovering from my falls. It was a very long day of traveling in pain, and I finally got home around 10 p.m. A few days later I had back surgery, which went well, and I have been recovering from that and resting up for my next trip.

On April 17 I am anticipating the arrival of a group of over a dozen men who will help me build a church on a mountaintop four hours from Tuxtepec. This will be a camping trip - pitching tents on the site and “roughing it” for a few days. I have every confidence that all will go well. But, if something goes wrong, I still have that card in my wallet and I still know how to “Be Flexible!” In my next letter, I hope to share a good report on the April trip, and with the Lord’s help it will be a great one.

God bless you,




March, 2023: NEEDED BY GOD

[About the pictures: A few people that God “needed”: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, the Virigin Mary, Larry, YOU!]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I have often heard that God needs no help, and on one level that is absolutely true. God, in his own nature, needs nothing. He lacks nothing. He didn’t even need to create the universe. But, on another level, God needs people to bring about his purpose, his plan, his will. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and God uses people to bring that about.

God created Adam and Eve “in his image,” as his representatives, and then told them to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion of the earth.” Throughout the rest of Genesis we see God “needing” people to help bring about his purposes. He needed Noah to build a boat to save the human race. He needed Abraham and Sarah to bring forth the Jewish people through whom he would bless all the families of earth. He needed Joseph, who was sold into slavery, to rescue his own family and preserve the Jewish people. In Exodus, God needed Moses, and called him to lead his people out of Egypt into the Promised Land. He needed Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the prophets to speak his words of correction, hope, and prophecy to Israel and the nations.

Perhaps the most striking example is the young virgin girl named Mary. The angel appeared to her and told her God’s plan to bring forth a savior. At first she was confused, but when the angel explained it to her she responded, “Be it unto me according to your word,” and Mary joined her will with God’s will and brought forth a son, our Savior Jesus Christ. And, God needed Jesus (who was fully God, but also full human) to “reconcile the world to himself.” (2 Corinthians 5.19)

God needed me to help bring the Good News of his love to people in Mexico, especially those who dwell in remote mountain villages where other missionaries have not reached. I am now 85 and a half and can think of no greater joy than being needed by God. And God needs YOU. He needs you to bring about his will in your family, your church, your community, and as partners with us in our work in Mexico. Let us all, like the Virgin Mary, respond to his call with, “Be it unto me according to your word.”

God bless you,




November, 2022: LIFE ABUNDANTLY

[About the photos: Carlos Tovilla has stood by my side for over 30 years, bringing people the Good News of the abundant life in Jesus.]

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I first met Carlos Tovilla 33 years ago when he stepped off a bus in Atoyac, Guerrero and came to our headquarters, having been given a one way ticket by his pastor back in Tuxtla, Chiapas. He was 22 years old, poor, hungry, and uncertain as to why his pastor had sent him to meet me. We visited, gave him food, a room, and $100 to cover his trip back home. Now Carlos is 55 years old, has a beautiful wife and three precious children, a lovely home,  and is the president of all that we do in Mexico. He recently said to me, “My father taught me how to live. You taught me how to live better.”

Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but that he came that we might have life, and have it abundantly (John 10.10). Bringing the Good News of the Kingdom to people includes bringing them the opportunity for an abundant life. What I mean is, yes of course the Gospel is about bringing people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, but that has ramifications that impact life and make it better. Yes, the Gospel is a spiritual message, but that message also transforms individuals, families, and even entire cultures. 

When I first arrived in Chenalho, Chiapas and pitched my one man tent on a hillside some 30 years ago, it was almost like stepping back in time. Today I look back over those 30 years and think of so many of those young people who are now pastoring, preaching, and helping bring an abundant life to the people they serve. Churches are being built, orphans are being cared for, doctors and nurses in our clinics are ministering to the sick, housing is being built for those in need, transportation is being supplied, and the Gospel is being taken further and further back into the mountains and changing people’s lives.

Thank you for being part of bringing eternal life, and an abundant life, to the people of Mexico. Please continue to pray for God’s favor in our work throughout the nation, for His blessings on our leaders and their families, for all the congregations, and for the new generation of young men and women who will carry on this ministry for decades to come. And pray for me, that I can continue to share God’s amazing love with others. 

God bless you,



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October, 2022: CONDUITS

Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I am often asked for prayer. My wife Mary Lou says, “Ask God for such and such for me. He always gives you what you ask for.” Others ask for prayer thinking I have a special connection with God, an open line to heaven. I don’t! I have always said that I am nothing more than a conduit which God uses to bring his truth, goodness, favor, and grace to others. My Cajun feet were not made for a pedestal! I remember the story in Acts 14 when people thought Paul and Barnabas were gods. Paul said, “We are men of the same nature as you.” There are no perfect conduits, no one with a special connection to the Throne Room of God. Billy Graham was just a conduit. The Pope is just a conduit. Your favorite pastor or evangelist is just a conduit. YOU too are called to be a conduit. 

And we can all access that place where grace pours forth. The book of Hebrews (4.14-16) tells us that we have access to CONFIDENTLY enter that Throne Room: “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” It is a good thing to ask others to pray for us. “Pray for one another, that you may be healed,” James the brother of Jesus wrote (James 5.16). 

In Mexico we have so many men and women of prayer who are ready to pray for those in need; I know it is because of their prayers and God’s grace that I am able to continue to do what God has asked me to do. I am so blessed to have so many great pastor friends who realize that they too are conduits of mercy and grace. And I am so grateful for the friends and supporters of Mexico Ministries who serve as conduits of prayer, support, labor, and friendship that truly is the lifeblood of our work. My prayer is that every person reading this letter will recognize that God can and will use YOU to bless others, in so many different ways. May our Lord keep our channels clean, and not clogged by the cares of the world, by selfishness, or by any other thing that might disrupt the flow of his grace. Get out there and let it flow!

God bless you,


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[About the photos: The “Boys from Tickfaw” building our newest church in Oaxaca]

Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

On June 12 four young men from Tickfaw, Louisiana and I arrived in Oaxaca with the task of building a large mission church. We started work on Monday morning, and with plenty of local help and things running smoothly, we finished our project early. For the rest of the week we worked on the home for Luis and Betty, and on Saturday we flew back to the States. My son Ken was waiting for me at DFW airport and on the way home Ken asked when was my next trip to Mexico. I told him I had no plans to return to Mexico for the rest of the year, and he laughed and said, “I bet you that you go back more than once before Christmas.”  Well, I was home three days before I began planning my next trip - I’m gearing up to go to Atoyac, Guerrero in October.

Lately I have been challenged reading the words of Paul the Apostle in Acts 15.36: ““Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are.” A chapter later (16.5) we read, “So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.” Paul’s team went to Thessalonica, Athens, Ephesus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Rome, spreading the Gospel but also revisiting the saints and strengthening them in their faith. Even when he was in prison and unable to travel, Saint Paul still kept in contact with the churches through his representatives, and through his letters.

There is no instrument capable of measuring the depth of God’s love for the people, and even more amazing to me is how He instills that love in us. And we, like Paul, and Peter, and the other Apostles, and the millions of missionaries, pastors, and people who have gone before us, continue to “go into all the world,” sharing the Good News and strengthening the people of God.

In the coming months and into next year, I want to visit the saints and encourage them. I want to see if there are any needs. I want to pray with them. I want to plan with them for new churches to be built for the glory of God. This year has been an exceptional year for Mexico Ministries and I see no reason why 2023 will be any different. Thank you, each and every one, for your faithfulness in standing with us as we go forward in ministry, through your prayers, financial support, and encouraging friendship.

God bless you,




July, 2022:

Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Determination is a mixed bag. It can be bring good results or bad problems. I think of the widow Ruth who was determined to follow her mother in law Naomi back to Israel. Ruth married Boaz, and the rest is history. She became the great grandmother of King David, the direct ancestor of Jesus Christ, and had her story of faith and determination recorded as the 8th book of the Bible! In Genesis 12 we read the story of Lot who, “pitched his tents toward Sodom.” He was determined in the wrong direction and things did not go well with him.

Several weeks ago I was determined to rip a board on my table saw. I ripped the board and then turned off the switch but did not wait until the blade stopped turning before retrieving the board. The short version of this story is that I ripped the board, and I ripped my finger, to shreds. After a visit to the ER and more stitches than I could keep count of, I realized this wasn’t exactly the good kind of determination!

But determination has played an important role in my life and ministry. I was determined to become a missionary when all the odds (and most of the people) were against me. There were times I was alone, but determined. Now I look at the videos and photos from the recent celebration in Chenalho and am thankful for the determination of those early years.

In February, with a determination to help Luis and his family, we purchased property to build a home. In prayer, we determined to start and not stop until it was complete. Thank God that determination resulted in a new finished home for them.

In July I will be back in Atoyac, on the western coast of Mexico, where we will again celebrate God’s favor toward us and remember those early days of determination. In August a group of friends from Tickfaw, Louisiana, will join me in Tuxtepec to help finish a new church. We will be high up in the mountains, camping out, and sleeping on the ground. But we are all determined that when we leave that place we will leave behind the blessing of a new church for the people there. Yes, times can be tough, but don’t lose faith. Instead, “gird up your loins” and with a godly determination persevere until He gives the victory!

God bless you,



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Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

About 50 years ago, while pastoring a church in Denison, Texas, I began helping missionaries in Mexico with various projects and soon sensed the call of God to commit my life to full time missions work. Over 40 years ago I stepped out in faith and began Mexico Ministries as just one man responding to God. One person can make an impact on things. One person, Andrew, “the first called” went and found his brother Peter and told him about Jesus. Philip found Nathaniel and said, “Come and see.” The woman at the well went back and told all her friends about Jesus and many followed him. More people come to Jesus through the invitation of one person than through the multitude of words of a multitude of preachers. One can impact thousands.

This past Easter weekend saw thousands of believers gathering to worship the Lord at our stadium in Chenalho, Chiapas. Over 5,000 people came to spend two days together singing, hearing God’s Word, eating together, and fellowshiping; 120 were baptized! Just think - if each person - each “one” - were to lead one more person to Jesus before next year, what a joyous celebration that would be.

With the Easter celebration behind us, we are turning our attention on building a home for Luis and Berenice. I thank each of you who has sent finances for this project, and I believe the work will not stop until the house is completed and they are living in their first home. 

There are also two new churches to complete. The locals are working on them now, and a team from the U.S. is ready to help finish them. 

I am often asked about my back problem. I walk with a cane, sometimes two, and when I travel to Mexico there are always people making sure I don’t fall. On my recent return home I thought the doctors would be ready for surgery, but it seems that one has one opinion and another has another opinion, so until they can come to agreement I suppose I will just bear the pain, both at home and in Mexico; so please keep this in your prayers. I am ready to get this fixed and get back to full swing.

I wish you could have been with us on Easter. I wept tears of joy seeing what the Lord has done, and witnessing the Holy Spirit at work among the people God loves.

God bless you,


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Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings from the harvest field of the Lord. Let me tell you a little story about my month!

Money had been sent to build a church in Mexico and three friends and I were scheduled to fly to Tuxtepec, Oaxaca on March 20 for a week of working on the building. I have been having some severe pain in my lower back, and a week before the trip x-rays showed a collapsed disc. At the last minute, two of these friends had to cancel for personal reasons, and it would have been easy to cancel it all together, but Greg Brown and I decided to press on and get the job done. Greg was such a help to me all through the trip. 

We arrived on Saturday, and on Monday the 21st we got started with the work of roofing and painting the church which had been financed by these friends. After a long day of work, and getting the job completed, we had prayer with the pastor and church members and said goodbye. The next day we traveled for four hours up into the mountains to check on the people there, and on two churches we built back in January. We also visited with several pastors leading congregations that are in dire need of church buildings. In those villages we prayed for the sick, gave offerings to some very needy people, and committed to building two more churches. It was another very long day. On Wednesday we began working on the roof of a large church financed by my son, Paul. We worked two days, and then returned to Dallas on the 25th.

Home again, and it was time to get my bad back taken care of. Nope! No available date for the MRI until April 8, and no surgery can be scheduled until after that. But, I have another trip scheduled with my friend Paul Pogue, on April 15-18, to Chenalho, Chiapas, for a two day convention. Several thousand believers will gather - many traveling for days from the mountains, for an important time of worshiping, fellowshipping, and eating together. The team there has already secured 10 bulls to be cooked, along with thousands of pounds of tortillas! 

I am praying that, upon my return, the doctors can get together and take care of my back problem. In the meantime, we have sent the finances to build two more churches we committed to, and as soon as I recover I will plan a return trip to inspect the completion of these new works and meet with the pastors and people. I don’t always know what God has cooking up for the future, but I do know I always enjoy what He prepares.

God bless you,

