Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:
Greetings in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In March, I was supposed to go with a group of friends from Hammond and Tickfaw, Louisiana, to build a new church building in Oaxaca. Unfortunately, Mary Lou had to be hospitalized and I had to cancel my part of the trip. But, thanks be to God and the good folk from Louisiana, the project went forward and went well. They finished the church building and sent a good report of their trip.
A few months ago I visited a Hispanic congregation here in Denison, and the pastor invited me to greet the people. That night I went to sleep and slept a sound and full eight hours. During that deep sleep I had a dream that I was back at that local church walking through the congregation and greeting friends. In the dream I then returned to Mexico and continued my work without using a walking cane or getting help from anyone. It was such a wonderful and peaceful dream and I still can’t figure out what it meant. Was it a premonition of something to come? I know the Bible speaks of us receiving a new body in the life to come - perhaps this is what I was dreaming. Whatever it was about, it was one of the greatest moments of peace I could imagine. How wonderful heaven will be, when we rest from our labors, are fully restored physically and spiritually, and are reunited with the Lord and those we love.
But until that day, I continue to press on in God’s calling. I plan to return to Mexico in a few weeks to oversee the building of another church. This time we will use local workers instead of a U.S. team. Then I will drive from Oaxaca to the western state of Guerrero where I will visit the church in Atoyac and make plans for new mission churches in that area. Mexico Ministries started out in this area, and we built many mission churches there. Church leaders there are asking for a new visit from me, and this will be like a homecoming, coming full circle. I will have the opportunity to speak with leaders and see their needs firsthand. Please continue to pray for me, for the work in Mexico, and for Mary Lou.
God bless you,