Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I just returned from Mexico, and although it was a very successful trip, it also may have been the toughest one I have made. I was able to meet with pastors and leaders on both sides of Mexico (with a 12 hour drive each way), and make plans for new mission churches to be built. BUT, GETTING HOME - well, THAT’S a story!

From Tuxtepec we drove to Veracruz where I flew to Houston. When I arrived in Houston they kept delaying the Dallas leg an hour at a time. I was supposed to arrive around 7 P.M. It kept getting pushed back - 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - then it was completely canceled. I was informed that I couldn’t get a flight out the next evening at 6, that an earlier option was “impossible,” and that I would have to sit in the airport all that time. They wheeled my wheelchair down a long corridor into a room where there was no food, no water, and no restrooms. I was supposed to stay there from midnight, until 6 the next day - EIGHTEEN HOURS!

About 7 A.M. a woman stopped and asked if she could assist me. She rolled my wheelchair down the corridor to a restroom, then said she wanted to take me to get something to eat: “They gave you two food vouchers - you use one and I’ll use one!” We had a small breakfast and then she said, “I am going to take care of you.” With that, she rolled me to the ticket counter and asked when the next flight to Dallas left. The man behind the counter said, “There is one being boarded now.” That’s when I realized she was somebody! She went behind the counter, did something on the computer, got a boarding pass and took me to a gate. She said, “I’m not only going to take you to the plane, I’m going to escort you onto the plane.” When we got to the gate the boarding door was already closed. She told the guard to open it, rolled me down the ramp, and boarded me on the plane. My phone had died so she lent me her’s and I called my son Ken to let him know about the new flight. Later he texted her and thanked her for her care and she texted back, “I heard your mom passed away, maybe she sent me to him!”

The Bible tells us that we should be kind to strangers for in so doing sometimes we entertain “angels unaware.” This woman was indeed an angel to me, and I am fully aware of it!

God bless you,

