[About the pictures: A few people that God “needed”: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, the Virigin Mary, Larry, YOU!]
Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:
I have often heard that God needs no help, and on one level that is absolutely true. God, in his own nature, needs nothing. He lacks nothing. He didn’t even need to create the universe. But, on another level, God needs people to bring about his purpose, his plan, his will. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and God uses people to bring that about.
God created Adam and Eve “in his image,” as his representatives, and then told them to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion of the earth.” Throughout the rest of Genesis we see God “needing” people to help bring about his purposes. He needed Noah to build a boat to save the human race. He needed Abraham and Sarah to bring forth the Jewish people through whom he would bless all the families of earth. He needed Joseph, who was sold into slavery, to rescue his own family and preserve the Jewish people. In Exodus, God needed Moses, and called him to lead his people out of Egypt into the Promised Land. He needed Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the prophets to speak his words of correction, hope, and prophecy to Israel and the nations.
Perhaps the most striking example is the young virgin girl named Mary. The angel appeared to her and told her God’s plan to bring forth a savior. At first she was confused, but when the angel explained it to her she responded, “Be it unto me according to your word,” and Mary joined her will with God’s will and brought forth a son, our Savior Jesus Christ. And, God needed Jesus (who was fully God, but also full human) to “reconcile the world to himself.” (2 Corinthians 5.19)
God needed me to help bring the Good News of his love to people in Mexico, especially those who dwell in remote mountain villages where other missionaries have not reached. I am now 85 and a half and can think of no greater joy than being needed by God. And God needs YOU. He needs you to bring about his will in your family, your church, your community, and as partners with us in our work in Mexico. Let us all, like the Virgin Mary, respond to his call with, “Be it unto me according to your word.”
God bless you,