Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

I am sure you have heard by now that on March 24 Mary Lou stepped from this life into the age to come. We were just two months shy of celebrating our 67th anniversary, and losing her is the hardest thing I have ever experienced. I have said repeatedly that without Mary Lou there would have been no Mexico Ministries. She was the behind the scenes champion that kept things organized, maintained the office and bookkeeping, and communicated with so many friends and supporters while I was away.  In the early years I would leave home to drive to Mexico and she would stand on the porch waving goodbye. When I returned I could rest assured that she would welcome me with open arms and have my favorite meals waiting for me. Mary Lou helped me bear the load of ministry in a way no other could. 

Throughout the Bible we read stories of people helping to bear the load of others: Aaron and Hur lifting Moses’ arms in prayer while Joshua fought in the valley below; the Good Samaritan carrying the injured man to safety and help; the four friends carrying the lame man’s cot to Jesus so he could heal the man; Simon of Niger carrying Jesus’ cross for him. I am so very thankful that for over 4 decades you friends have helped me carry the load of ministry in Mexico. You have supported the work financially, you have prayed, you have traveled with me to Mexico and helped minister to the people and build houses and churches. You cannot know how important and meaningful that has been for me.

With this fresh loss, you have responded with such love and concern, and that brings me comfort. But I also recognize that sometimes, such as this, there is a load we carry that no one can carry for us. Thank God that in times like this He himself is there for us. I am reminded of the song we used to sing in church years ago,

I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!

I cannot bear my burdens alone;

I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus!

Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.

I am returning to Mexico in mid May and I will visit with pastors and congregations and plan several new projects. I know that Mary Lou will be praying for me in the presence of God, and I know that you too will continue to stand with me and together bear the load of ministry. For that I am eternally grateful.

God bless you,


