[About the photos: The “Boys from Tickfaw” building our newest church in Oaxaca]
Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:
On June 12 four young men from Tickfaw, Louisiana and I arrived in Oaxaca with the task of building a large mission church. We started work on Monday morning, and with plenty of local help and things running smoothly, we finished our project early. For the rest of the week we worked on the home for Luis and Betty, and on Saturday we flew back to the States. My son Ken was waiting for me at DFW airport and on the way home Ken asked when was my next trip to Mexico. I told him I had no plans to return to Mexico for the rest of the year, and he laughed and said, “I bet you that you go back more than once before Christmas.” Well, I was home three days before I began planning my next trip - I’m gearing up to go to Atoyac, Guerrero in October.
Lately I have been challenged reading the words of Paul the Apostle in Acts 15.36: ““Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are.” A chapter later (16.5) we read, “So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.” Paul’s team went to Thessalonica, Athens, Ephesus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Rome, spreading the Gospel but also revisiting the saints and strengthening them in their faith. Even when he was in prison and unable to travel, Saint Paul still kept in contact with the churches through his representatives, and through his letters.
There is no instrument capable of measuring the depth of God’s love for the people, and even more amazing to me is how He instills that love in us. And we, like Paul, and Peter, and the other Apostles, and the millions of missionaries, pastors, and people who have gone before us, continue to “go into all the world,” sharing the Good News and strengthening the people of God.
In the coming months and into next year, I want to visit the saints and encourage them. I want to see if there are any needs. I want to pray with them. I want to plan with them for new churches to be built for the glory of God. This year has been an exceptional year for Mexico Ministries and I see no reason why 2023 will be any different. Thank you, each and every one, for your faithfulness in standing with us as we go forward in ministry, through your prayers, financial support, and encouraging friendship.
God bless you,