Dear Friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have just returned from the state of Guerrero where we dedicated The Rose of Sharon church, built in honor of Mary Lou. But I’m saving that report until next month. Right now I want to pass on to you some new opportunities to help the saints in Mexico.

The first comes from Pastor Guillermo from Santa Cruz Acatepec. Santa Cruz is a village of about 1500 people in the mountains of Oaxaca. They have a church building but it needs completion, and they are requesting help with finishing the roof, and plastering and painting the walls.

Another request comes from Pastor Alberto in Tepetitlán, another village in those same mountains. This precious congregation has a tiny building that is barely adequate — no, it is inadequate — for their needs. Pastor Alberto is requesting assistance to build a new, larger house of worship.

Finally, Pastor Miguel, from the large city of Tehuacán in the state of Puebla, has also requested help with constructing a new church.

On the back of this letter I’m including pictures from all three pastors. I encourage you to put it on your refrigerator or somewhere you’ll see it often, and pray for God’s favor every time you notice.

So many of you dear friends have stood with us over the decades helping provide church buildings all over the country of Mexico. I literally could not even count how many churches we have built over the years, but it is in the hundreds and hundreds. Every building we help construct becomes a place for God’s people to gather to pray, worship, and learn. Each year we have a chance to do it again! And I am trusting God that in the coming months and into the new year we will be able to continue doing what we do, and helping our fellow believers achieve their dreams.

God bless you,

