Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Determination is a mixed bag. It can be bring good results or bad problems. I think of the widow Ruth who was determined to follow her mother in law Naomi back to Israel. Ruth married Boaz, and the rest is history. She became the great grandmother of King David, the direct ancestor of Jesus Christ, and had her story of faith and determination recorded as the 8th book of the Bible! In Genesis 12 we read the story of Lot who, “pitched his tents toward Sodom.” He was determined in the wrong direction and things did not go well with him.

Several weeks ago I was determined to rip a board on my table saw. I ripped the board and then turned off the switch but did not wait until the blade stopped turning before retrieving the board. The short version of this story is that I ripped the board, and I ripped my finger, to shreds. After a visit to the ER and more stitches than I could keep count of, I realized this wasn’t exactly the good kind of determination!

But determination has played an important role in my life and ministry. I was determined to become a missionary when all the odds (and most of the people) were against me. There were times I was alone, but determined. Now I look at the videos and photos from the recent celebration in Chenalho and am thankful for the determination of those early years.

In February, with a determination to help Luis and his family, we purchased property to build a home. In prayer, we determined to start and not stop until it was complete. Thank God that determination resulted in a new finished home for them.

In July I will be back in Atoyac, on the western coast of Mexico, where we will again celebrate God’s favor toward us and remember those early days of determination. In August a group of friends from Tickfaw, Louisiana, will join me in Tuxtepec to help finish a new church. We will be high up in the mountains, camping out, and sleeping on the ground. But we are all determined that when we leave that place we will leave behind the blessing of a new church for the people there. Yes, times can be tough, but don’t lose faith. Instead, “gird up your loins” and with a godly determination persevere until He gives the victory!

God bless you,


