Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:
Greetings from the harvest field of the Lord. Let me tell you a little story about my month!
Money had been sent to build a church in Mexico and three friends and I were scheduled to fly to Tuxtepec, Oaxaca on March 20 for a week of working on the building. I have been having some severe pain in my lower back, and a week before the trip x-rays showed a collapsed disc. At the last minute, two of these friends had to cancel for personal reasons, and it would have been easy to cancel it all together, but Greg Brown and I decided to press on and get the job done. Greg was such a help to me all through the trip.
We arrived on Saturday, and on Monday the 21st we got started with the work of roofing and painting the church which had been financed by these friends. After a long day of work, and getting the job completed, we had prayer with the pastor and church members and said goodbye. The next day we traveled for four hours up into the mountains to check on the people there, and on two churches we built back in January. We also visited with several pastors leading congregations that are in dire need of church buildings. In those villages we prayed for the sick, gave offerings to some very needy people, and committed to building two more churches. It was another very long day. On Wednesday we began working on the roof of a large church financed by my son, Paul. We worked two days, and then returned to Dallas on the 25th.
Home again, and it was time to get my bad back taken care of. Nope! No available date for the MRI until April 8, and no surgery can be scheduled until after that. But, I have another trip scheduled with my friend Paul Pogue, on April 15-18, to Chenalho, Chiapas, for a two day convention. Several thousand believers will gather - many traveling for days from the mountains, for an important time of worshiping, fellowshipping, and eating together. The team there has already secured 10 bulls to be cooked, along with thousands of pounds of tortillas!
I am praying that, upon my return, the doctors can get together and take care of my back problem. In the meantime, we have sent the finances to build two more churches we committed to, and as soon as I recover I will plan a return trip to inspect the completion of these new works and meet with the pastors and people. I don’t always know what God has cooking up for the future, but I do know I always enjoy what He prepares.
God bless you,