
Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Springtime has come, my favorite time of the year. New life, green grass, and spring flowers everywhere. Last year was a difficult time for so many in our nation and world: storms, floods, fires, and other natural disasters. If only we could use the spiritual words of the Apostle Paul and apply them to the natural things of life: “forgetting the things which are behind and reaching forward to the things which are ahead…” Already, the scorched ground devastated by the fires in California is now blooming with wild flowers.

Springtime is also a time to plant gardens. I have a small vegetable garden at my homeplace here in Denison, and when I am home it is a place of peace and joy for me. Forty one years ago I also started a small garden in northern Mexico. This garden would contain, not vegetables, but mission churches. Like a spreading vine, this garden has grown to cover an enormous area in Mexico. The “plants” include hundreds of churches, medical facilities, pastors, doctors, dentists, nurses, and tens of thousands of people. A few weeks ago one of my close friends and supporters said, “It is now getting bigger than us!”

In Luke 10 Jesus said, “the harvest is truly great, but the laborers are few; pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send laborers into the harvest.” We welcome you to join us prayerfully, physically, and financially in helping us care and maintain this beautiful garden of the Lord’s which provides so much help to multitudes of people.

I can’t work my home garden like I did years ago. Now I use a chair and sit by the side of a row. I reach as far as I can to either side, then move the chair a few feet and do it again. Even in the large garden in Mexico, there is always someone nearby with a chair if I need it.

Remember the words of Jesus: “A man went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. Some went out at the third hour, some the sixth, others the ninth hour, and some the eleventh hour at the end of the day.” In the end, they all received the same reward. Someday our garden will be over and we will be welcomed home. Our reward will be the same. I pray to hear the Lord say, “Well done.” I welcome all to join me in the harvest. Pray for us. Come and labor physically. Support the ministry financially. Or, maybe you can just help me move the chair.

God bless you,


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