Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

In Acts 3.5 Peter and John saw a lame man begging for alms. Looking intently at him, Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” What Peter gave the lame man was what Christ had already given Peter when he called him to follow him and become a fisher of men - a heart of love, compassion, and a willingness to help.

I am often asked for the key to my longevity in life and ministry. A few weeks ago I was having breakfast with friends and fellow ministers and someone said to me, “You are wealthy!” And I said, “Yes I am, but not in silver or gold.” What this person saw in me is that God has placed in me the same thing he placed in Peter - a heart of love, compassion, and a willingness to help.

Sometimes people see a need and say, “I wish I could help, but I can’t.” I believe if we would instead respond to that need and do what we can, and say, “such as I have give I thee,” that God would use us as instruments of blessing in the lives of others. And it may be that, as we become conduits of blessing, in the future we will also be able to give out of our abundance. “God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9.7)

Recently I built a house for a poor widow and her two children. The house alone was a great gift, but seeing its emptiness I cheerfully gave more. I bought new furniture and appliances and what was an empty shell has now become a home. While I was doing this, I thought, how can I give less when God has given me so much?

The answer to the question of the key to my longevity in life and ministry is perhaps not about me at all, but about the gift God gave me when he called me to follow and serve him - a heart of love, compassion, and a willingness to help. A willingness to say, “Such as I have give I thee.” The truth is I am simply passing along what God has given me.

God bless you,

