Dear Friends:

Once again I send you greetings. Once again, I quote the words of our Lord Jesus. "Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations."  And today, I send you pictures of Pastor Carlos Tovilla Cortez and his family. 

Seeing Carlos and his family in a restaurant, you would think they were, "healthy, wealthy, wise and blessed". Seeing his ministry compound in Tuxtla, you would admire the beautiful church, the medical and dental clinic, the gymnasium and dormitory. Carlos is president of all we do in the southern part of Mexico. He is responsible for more than three hundred credentialed ministers, each of whom meet with him annually to give a report of the past year and share their vision for the year to come. Yes, knowing all this, you might even wish you could trade places with Carlos. But, before you step into his shoes, let me share with you about the road he traveled to get to this place.

I first met Carlos in 1989 when he was a young man in his twenties. After studying engineering at a university in Tuxtla while assisting a pastor in a very small Tuxtla church, he left his career to become a preacher. At a young age, he married the daughter of this very legalistic pastor. The pastor resigned, leaving the little church in Carlos' hands. Soon afterward, Carlos’ wife said, "I don't want to be a preacher's wife,” and she asked for a divorce. The following Sunday, Carlos stepped up to the platform and asked the congregation to turn to Psalm 23, and then he preached from that chapter.  He announced to his people, "I have just entered into the valley of the shadow of death. I do not know how deep or wide or long it will be". He continued to pastor that church. Ten years passed before he was able to go to the platform and say once again, "Turn with me to Psalm 23". He was finally able to tell his people, "I have just exited the valley, and I invite you all to my wedding in two weeks." I officiated at the marriage ceremony of Carlos and Barbara on November 11, 2006. 

Carlos is loyal. He has helped build every church that we have built in the southern part of Mexico. Once we were sitting on the side of a mountain, and he said, "You do not know how much I care for you. I would give my right arm for you." Carlos is steadfast. A few years ago, he and a couple of young men from the Tuxtla church were driving to the northern part of Mexico to purchase a vehicle when they were stopped by members of a crooked military and members of the drug cartel. They were placed in hand cuffs and leg irons, robbed, and taken to jail where they were further assaulted. It cost me $9,000 to get them back to Tuxtla, Chiapas. Yet Carlos continues with his ministry. I thank God for the opportunity and privilege to have a part in the life and ministry of Carlos. I am thankful that I've been able to walk with him through his valleys. 

We build many churches and buildings throughout Mexico, but our greatest accomplishment is making disciples. There are many others besides Carlos that I have helped disciple both in Mexico and the US.

Each one has their own story. They may all seem steadfast and sure, but that only makes them larger targets for Satan to throw his fiery darts at. They need our prayers. They need YOUR prayers.

Larry Myers

P.S. Please take note of our new phone numbers below. 


Larry Myers: 903-624-6043

Mary Myers: 903-815-1959

Shirley Myers: 903-815-5161
