Dear Friends:

Greetings! This is a hard letter for me to write, yet I feel that it is very important for me to speak to you about Making the Best of a Bad Situation.

I have so many friends and even family members who are going through hard times, bad situations, fighting for their very lives. Some are facing the valley of the shadow of death. To all of you in this situation I say, fight with all that is within you to make your situation better. Never give up, never quit, and never turn back. God has not died. The Holy Spirit has not lost His power. Nor has Christ lost his love for each and every one of us who are going through hard times and difficult situations.

Joseph, at 17 years of age, was sold into slavery by his own brothers. That was a bad situation! How many times did David suffer difficult situations? Naomi lost her husband and both sons, but with the help of her daughter-in-law, Ruth, she held on until the storms passed. Take courage from Biblical examples. Mary and Joseph traveled, probably by foot or on a donkey, some 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. That was a bad situation! Joseph and Mary, who would soon give birth to Jesus, heard the words, "No rooms in the inn." A very bad situation. In those 33 years from the cradle to the cross, Mary would experience many difficult times, but she NEVER gave up. Never have I read of a man who suffered as many bad times as the Apostle Paul. Yet he wrote, "His grace is sufficient."Stephen was at his darkest moment when he was stoned to death. Yet, it became his brightest moment when He gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, saying, ”I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God." 

Jesus, our great example, during the last week of His earthly life, faced a BAD situation. He was beaten, mocked, rejected, spit upon, crucified and buried. But on the third day He was resurrected and is seated at the Father's right hand. (Romans 8:34)  He is still at the right hand of God interceding for us.

We all see the wounded returning home from war, parts of their bodies blown away. I hurt for them. Some are in wheelchairs, others are learning to use prosthetics, all trying to make the best of their horrible situations. I see Desiree, Mickey, Florence, Danae, Janie and others. And I encourage you all to continue to walk in faith and hold on to hope. If only I could take your place for a time and let you rest from your fear, worry and pain, God knows I would do so.

If all is well with you and yours, rejoice and give thanks to God!  But, if you are suffering, I stand with you and say to Satan, "You will not rob us of another day of life. We will laugh. We will hug our families and friends, We will reach out to a hurting mankind. We will continue to build them churches, buy them medicines, supply them with doctors and dentists." In the darkest of days, remind Satan of Romans 8. "Who will separate me from the love of Christ? Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword? No, in all of these things I am more than a conquerer through Jesus Christ, my Lord, who loves me." I stand with you, my friends and loved ones. And with you, I say, ”We will not give up, we will not quit or turn back. Together we will stand.”

Larry Myers 
