Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:
I can only imagine the reunion in the air when Christ brings with him those who have fallen asleep in the Lord and, “we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4.17)
I can only imagine how the prodigal son felt at the reunion with his father who ran and embraced him. (Luke 15.11-24)
I can only imagine the emotions shared by the brothers Jacob and Esau at their reunion after long years of separation, anger, and mistrust. (Genesis 33.4)
I can only imagine how Joseph felt at his reunion with his brothers, and later Benjamin, reunions marked by embraces, kisses, and tears. (Genesis 45)
I can only imagine how the pastor and her congregation felt a few weeks ago when we visited their village and I said, “We will build you a church.” Again, a holy moment marked by tears and warm embraces. She wept, the people gathered with her wept, and I wept.
You can only imagine how I felt when a young Bible school student asked if she and I could read the Bible together. I asked what she wanted to read and she replied that her favorite book was Romans and her favorite passage was chapter 8. I smiled and told her that back home on my living room wall is a deep frame holding my old worn out preaching Bible, opened to Romans 8.8.
I just returned a week ago from a month in Mexico where these reunions and meetings happened. We were all blessed by our time together, and by what God continues to do in, with, and through our ministry together. At the age of 84 I am both amazed and delighted that now is our most productive time in ministry ever!
I can only imagine, as the celebration of Christmas approaches, the deep love that God has for all of us, for all of the world, that he sent His only begotten Son to forever unite us to the Father. “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).” (Matthew 1.23).
May a deep awareness of the presence of Jesus Christ be with you and your loved ones during this holy season. And as we dwell in this world between Christ’s first coming and final coming, may we all live and serve Him and hasten the day of that great meeting in the air when when we shall “forever be with the Lord.”
Merry Christmas,