(About the photos: All of Mexico is under a “red alert,” but the ministry continues. In Nuevo Laredo, we were able to rebuild the roof of a church blown off during a recent storm, and help with building rooms for children’s ministry there.)

Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Greetings, brothers and sisters in Jesus. As you know, my heart yearns to be in Mexico, but I simply cannot be there yet. I have to wait just a little bit longer. I am, however, in constant contact with the leaders there, and am helping from afar in every way I can.

Pastor Carlos called and told me to, “please wait, we are one month behind the USA…” He told me that we have lost our “first brother, a musician from our church in Chetumal,” who died from the virus in early May. He was 50 years old, and a close friend to Carlos. The hospitals in Tuxtla are nearly full, and Dr. Paco reports that he lost three patients to the coronavirus in one day. Carlos informed me that in one family very instrumental in helping build the church in Tuxtla, both the father and mother have died from the coronavirus, and one grown son is now on the ventilator. 

Mexico has adopted a red, yellow and green light system for gauging the impact of the virus, and right now the entire nation is designated red. I am hoping and praying that the light changes to at least yellow so I can return in July. In the meantime, I am checking in several times a week with all the regions we serve, sending monthly operating money, and sending extra offerings to help the needy survive these difficult times. In addition to the regular support, last month we were able to reroof a church in Nuevo Laredo that was damaged by a bad storm. In other words, though I am not “boots on the ground” in Mexico, the work and ministry there continues to move forward. I want to give a special thank you to all of you who continue to support the ministry. Clearly the pandemic is affecting many businesses and families, and your faithfulness is very appreciated.

Mary Lou and I are being careful to protect ourselves by not getting out in public areas much, and following all the precautions being recommended by doctors. In my daily prayers I always pray for God’s blessing and favor on you who stand with us in this ministry, and now I am also praying for relief and restoration from this awful plague. 

I ask that you also pray for me, for the work of Mexico Ministries, and for the people of Mexico. “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.” (Psalm 82.3). “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” (Isaiah 1.17) Thank you for joining with us in bringing the Good News of Jesus to the people God loves.

God bless you,

