[About the pictures above: Some photos of Pastor Carlos and I meeting with pastors, and visiting the mountains to meet with believers and plan new churches. Notice the soup being prepared in the ancient way: by placing hot stones in the bowls to heat the soup.]

Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

I want to give a great big thank you to all of you friends and partners who have stayed with us since the birth of Mexico Ministries in 1982. For three years before that I worked in northern Mexico building churches, then as the Spirit led we moved further south to the central part of the nation. From there we moved even further south to Atoyac and the state of Guerrero, near Acapulco, where we built many village churches, a Bible school and a medical clinic capable of handling major surgeries. From there we went into the state of Chiapas and spent thirty one years building more churches than I can count, a Bible school, medical facilities, and a large stadium to host gatherings of thousands who come from the mountain villages to worship the Lord.

Now I am hearing that same voice of the Spirit that the prophets and elders in Antioch heard when the Lord said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the world to which I have called them.” (Acts 13.4) I hear the Lord calling me to Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, to continue what we have begun and to establish an expansive work there like we have in other regions.

But, I have never abandoned any area where God led me to minister, I have simply expanded the scope of our ministry. I am not abandoning northern Mexico, or Guerrero, or Chiapas. I am still, and will remain, in contact with the leadership of all these regions, and they are all in the very capable hands of Mexican, Indigenous, and American leaders who labor alongside me to serve the people of Mexico.

Over the last few years we have built beautiful facilities in Tuxtepec, but that is only the beginning of this new chapter of ministry. There are hundreds of villages and tens of thousands of people scattered throughout the mountains of this region that God loves and calls us to care for - poor people, sick people, spiritually lost people. So, here we go again!

Last month we spent ten days with local pastors of mission churches with the purpose of establishing a strong base of men and women who will compassionately take the word of God to these waiting people.

I wish I had 30 more years, but that would make me nearly as old as Moses! I intend to give the rest of my life to this calling. I pray you can stay with me until that last moment, and when the Holy Spirit says it is complete we will pass the work on to capable hands both in the U.S. and Mexico, and I will join that great cloud of witnesses in heaven, cheering on the work that continues below, until, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

God bless you,

