Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:
Greetings and Happy New Year! I’d like to share a brief report of how 2018 ended and the new year is beginning. As I say each year, this last one was one of the very best: new headquarters completed in Tuxtepec, many mission churches built throughout Mexico (from the north to the south and lots of places in between), a very nice church including balcony started in Tzabalho, Chiapas, Christmas for the orphanage and for many children in the mountains of Chiapas. All of this was accomplished by so many people coming together for a common cause. Pogue Family Missions, Mexico Outreach, Mexico Ministries, and many medical teams have all united to make 2018 a great year, and I want to send out a big THANK YOU to each person and team. And of course, none of this could have happened without the faithful support of so many wonderful friends throughout the United States. Thank you all so very much!
Now - what lies ahead in 2019: I just arrived in Atoyac, Guerrero where I am beginning construction on a parsonage for a local church. Next month I will be back in Tuxtepec building two new mission churches, then in March I will be in Atoyac again to continue work on the parsonage. When the Tzabahlo church is ready to be roofed I will return to help finish the church.
While returning home from a brief trip to Louisiana to visit family, all of a sudden I felt impressed to ask God for eight more years of health to complete the ministry God has given me, “to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work.” (John 11.34) That will bring me to my 90th year. With the help of Jesus, Peter walked on water. With a boy’s lunch Jesus fed 5,000. By the Holy Spirit working through Peter and John, a man lame from birth stood up and walked (and even leaped!).
With the help of God I believe I can make it. If so, we will have a party to end all parties, and if for some reason I don’t, we will have that party in heaven. Una fiesta que dura para siempre!
God bless you,