Dear friends of Mexico Ministries:

Well, July and August have been whirlwind months and September promises to be one too. I flew to Chiapas and then drove to Oaxaca where we spent a couple of days checking the progress of the Tuxtepec project, and I am pleased to announce that things are moving smoothly and quickly, and construction work should begin the first week of October!  In the meantime, I have been overseeing the completion of two new mission churches in the mountains of Chiapas.

On July 30, I celebrated my 80th birthday, so I am now officially approaching being an old man! In the last six years I have had back surgery, knee surgery, a stroke, and several subsequent spells related to that stroke, so clearly I can’t do the physical work I could when I began this missionary work in my early 40’s. But my heart, mind, and compassion are as strong - no, stronger - than when I first began. And, so, I enter my ninth decade of life with a sense of purpose and vision rather than resignation and retirement.

The people in Mexico are telling me they don’t need my physical abilities, they need my mind and my wallet! “Tell us what to do and when to do it, and provide the resources, and we will get it done for you.” And, from the other side (supporters in the U.S), I received a text from a partner wishing me a happy birthday and saying, “Be encouraged! 80, 90, or 100, I’m with you and Mexico Ministries!” 

And these two comments, from the two sides of the Rio Grande, make a point for me. I have never claimed to be a lone ranger, out doing mighty exploits on my own. It isn’t about what I am doing, but about what we are doing. The work of the Kingdom of God is teamwork, not a solo performance. And, until the Lord calls me home I intend to stay out on the field, playing my part with the rest of the team. I will continue to be the conduit through which so many in the U.S. bless so many in Mexico. We aren’t changing anything; as the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

For much of the rest of the year I will be in Oaxaca working on the new “mother church” there. Thank you for standing with me all these many years. Here’s to many more to come!

God bless you all,


